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ATM machine project in Python | python projects

 Hey guys in this video i am gonna tell you how you can atm machine Program using python ..

Source Code...

#for stopping program execution for some time

import time

print("Please insert Your CARD")

#for card processing

password = 1234

#taking atm pin from user
pin = int(input("enter your atm pin "))

#user account balance
balance = 5000

#checking pin is valid or not
if pin == password:
    #loop will run user get free
    while True:

        #Showing info to user

1 == balance
2 == withdraw balance
3 == deposit balance
4 == exit

             #taking an option from user
            option = int(input("Please enter your choise "))
            print("Please enter valid option")
        #for option 1        
        if option == 1:
            print(f"Your current balance is {balance}")
        if option == 2:

            withdraw_amount = int(input("please enter withdraw_amount "))


            balance = balance - withdraw_amount

            print(f"{withdraw_amount} is debited from your account")


            print(f"your updated balance is {balance}")


        if option == 3:

            deposit_amount = int(input("please enter deposit_amount"))

            balance = balance + deposit_amount


            print(f"{deposit_amount} is credited to your account")

            print(f"your updated balance is {balance}")

        if option == 4:


    print("wrong pin Please try again")

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